Try All the Wines

T r y A l l t h e W i n e s


I have loved wine for a long time now, but I remember a time when I only drank dry red. For the first five years when Byron and I went to wineries, I skipped all the sweet and the white tastings, going straight for the red wines. I guess you could say I went right for the strong, big, bold wines. When I finally decided to try them,  I actually started to like the dry whites and appreciate some of the sweet and fruit wines. At first, I only knew about Chardonnay as the most known white wine back then in the area I was. As I started learning more about wine, and getting more education in the wine industry I was able to open my mind to the world of Pinot Grigio and then Sauvignon Blanc. Now I know there is a whole, big world out there of wine. I enjoy trying all kinds of wines. While I still have my favorites that are usually reds, I have been able to open my mind to the more unknown world of wine.  Another thing I found is Texas has a lot of different grapes that grow here better than some of the more common wines like Viognier, Chenin Blanc, Albarino, Blanc duBois, for whites and Mourvèdre, Grenache, Black Spanish, and Sangiovese for reds. I have also been amazed about how Tempranillo grown here in Texas has really become a beautiful, fabulous wine. I have to admit, I did not use to like it, but now I cannot deny how good it can be grown here right in our fabulous state. As we near being ready to finally open, Siren’s Call Winery looks forward to providing beautiful wine. While wine is a slow art, and it took us forever to be able to open so we are opening with fruit wines primarily, we see a future looking bright with beautiful wine to gather and share. We invite you to try all the wines along the way.  The best is yet to come!


Siren’s Call Winery

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